Port Lux
A small volcanic island which used to hold prisoners. The island grew in size every day due to the volcanic activity. The land was established as a battle colony by the armies of the Tower of Wise Men.
Level Req.: 50
War Zone: No
Dungeons available: Forbidden Island, Volcanic Citadel, Lava Hellfire
> Eite (Weapon Shopkeeper)
> Agris (Armour Shopkeeper)
> Harper (Instructor)
> Yerte (Core Alchemist)
> Chloe (Craft Merchant)
> Szulanski (Agent of Port Service)
> Hampric (Grocer)
> Morison (Officer)
> Porter (Port Manager)
> Levenson (Guard)
> Reison (Guard)
> Porus (Guard)
Port Lux Monsters:
Crag Turtle |
Level: 51 |
HP: 874 |
Found living in the grass land of Excilian Island. The Crag Turtle has a hard shell that has similar characteristics to a large rock.
Crag Crab |
Level: 52 |
HP: 1271 |
A hard shelled monster, it uses its large claws to attack enemies.
Crag Toad |
Level: 53 |
HP: 1295 |
As you approach the Crag Toad, it spouts out poisonous gas and when its enemy tries to escape, it whips the enemy using its long tongue.
Peryton |
Level: 54 |
HP: 1318 |
A bird which has horns similar to those of a deer and attacks enemies using them while in flight.
Bugshark |
Level: 56 |
HP: 1365 |
It has sharp horns on its back and uses a mace to attack.
Bugdolphy |
Level: 57 |
HP: 1388 |
Carries a large axe and shield which is covered in what appears to be fish scales.
Stone Gargoyle |
Level: 58 |
HP: 1412 |
Appears as though it has come from hell. If you are not are feeling confident, try to avoid it.
You can see its broken bones sticking out of its skin. It also bites, so be careful.
Phantom Walker |
Level: 61 |
HP: 1037 |
Hovers around and attacks enemies using its sword or by throwing daggers.
Phantom Crew |
Level: 62 |
HP: 1054 |
host crew of the shipwreck. Rose from the dead near Port Lux.
Flame Hound |
Level: 63 |
HP: 1529 |
Its body is covered with flames. When it attacks, its victims also feel like they are covered in flames.
Dark Soldier |
Level: 61 |
HP: 1552 |
A thick dark smoke in rusty old armour. Everytime it is struke, it slightly dissippates.
Stone Golem |
Level: 67 |
HP: 1662 |
Made of rock, it blends in well with the landscape. From a distance it appears to be a moving rocky mountain.
Dark Blader |
Level: 70 |
HP: 1693 |
A warrior which has been christened with darkness. It can use the power of darkness.
Crag King Crab |
Level: 58 |
HP: n/a |
Headgear (FA/FB) (Critical rate +4% ,Critical DMG+10 , Defense+ 10)
Coat (FA/FB) (HP auto heal+20 ,Defense+10 , HP+20)
Gloves (FA/FB) (Defense rate+ 40, Attack rate+ 40 , Defense+ 10)
Boots (FA/FB) (Flee rate+2% , MP auto heal+ 20 , MP+ 20)
Phantom Fera |
Level: 58 |
HP: n/a |
Board card of Phantom Fera (Defense+ 8, HP+ 50, Movement speed: 600)
Epaulet of Phantom Fera (Defense+ 7, Defense rate+ 15, Flee rate+ 1%, HP+ 75)
Black Hound |
Level: 66 |
HP: n/a |
Board Card of Black Hound (Defense+ 8, MP+ 50, Movement speed: 600)
Epaulet of Black Hound (Defense +7, Defense rate+ 15, Flee rate+ 1%, HP+ 75)