Port Lux

A small volcanic island which used to hold prisoners. The island grew in size every day due to the volcanic activity. The land was established as a battle colony by the armies of the Tower of Wise Men.

Level Req.: 50
War Zone: No
Dungeons available: Forbidden Island, Volcanic Citadel, Lava Hellfire

> Eite (Weapon Shopkeeper)
> Agris (Armour Shopkeeper)
> Harper (Instructor)
> Yerte (Core Alchemist)
> Chloe (Craft Merchant)
> Szulanski (Agent of Port Service)
> Hampric (Grocer)
> Morison (Officer)
> Porter (Port Manager)
> Levenson (Guard)
> Reison (Guard)
> Porus (Guard)

Port Lux Monsters:

Crag Turtle Level: 51 HP: 874

Found living in the grass land of Excilian Island. The Crag Turtle has a hard shell that has similar characteristics to a large rock.

Crag Crab Level: 52 HP: 1271

A hard shelled monster, it uses its large claws to attack enemies.

Crag Toad Level: 53 HP: 1295

As you approach the Crag Toad, it spouts out poisonous gas and when its enemy tries to escape, it whips the enemy using its long tongue.

Peryton Level: 54 HP: 1318

A bird which has horns similar to those of a deer and attacks enemies using them while in flight.

Bugshark Level: 56 HP: 1365

It has sharp horns on its back and uses a mace to attack.

Bugdolphy Level: 57 HP: 1388

Carries a large axe and shield which is covered in what appears to be fish scales.

Stone Gargoyle Level: 58 HP: 1412

Appears as though it has come from hell. If you are not are feeling confident, try to avoid it.

Ghoul Level: 59 HP: 1435

You can see its broken bones sticking out of its skin. It also bites, so be careful.

Phantom Walker Level: 61 HP: 1037

Hovers around and attacks enemies using its sword or by throwing daggers.

Phantom Crew Level: 62 HP: 1054

host crew of the shipwreck. Rose from the dead near Port Lux.

Flame Hound Level: 63 HP: 1529

Its body is covered with flames. When it attacks, its victims also feel like they are covered in flames.

Dark Soldier Level: 61 HP: 1552

A thick dark smoke in rusty old armour. Everytime it is struke, it slightly dissippates.

Stone Golem Level: 67 HP: 1662

Made of rock, it blends in well with the landscape. From a distance it appears to be a moving rocky mountain.

Dark Blader Level: 70 HP: 1693

A warrior which has been christened with darkness. It can use the power of darkness.


Crag King Crab Level: 58 HP: n/a


Headgear (FA/FB) (Critical rate +4% ,Critical DMG+10 , Defense+ 10)
Coat (FA/FB) (HP auto heal+20 ,Defense+10 , HP+20)
Gloves (FA/FB) (Defense rate+ 40, Attack rate+ 40 , Defense+ 10)
Boots (FA/FB) (Flee rate+2% , MP auto heal+ 20 , MP+ 20)
Phantom Fera Level: 58 HP: n/a


Board card of Phantom Fera (Defense+ 8, HP+ 50, Movement speed: 600)
Epaulet of Phantom Fera (Defense+ 7, Defense rate+ 15, Flee rate+ 1%, HP+ 75)
Black Hound Level: 66 HP: n/a


Board Card of Black Hound (Defense+ 8, MP+ 50, Movement speed: 600)
Epaulet of Black Hound (Defense +7, Defense rate+ 15, Flee rate+ 1%, HP+ 75)

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